/** * Realization of browser specified layer effects * @author: dkl * company: megatel GmbH * @since: 26.11.2001 */ /** * Create an object with specified browser informations * @info: String name : browser name * @info: int version : browser version * @info: boolean cookies : cookies enabled * @info: boolean javaEnabled: java enabled * @info: String language : browser language * @info: String platform : browser platform * * @info: booleab isIE : browser is Internet Explorer >= 4.0 * @info: boolean isNav : browser is Netscape Navigator < 6.0 but >= 4.0 * @info: boolean isNav6 : browser is Netscape Navigator >= 6.0 */ function getBrowserProperties() { lang = new Object(); lang["de"] = "Deutsch"; lang["en"] = "Englisch"; lang["un"] = "Unbekannt"; stdMsg = 'keine Informationen'; this.language = "un"; this.platform = stdMsg; with (navigator) { wbstart = (userAgent.indexOf('(') + 1); wbend = userAgent.indexOf(')'); browserstring = userAgent.substring(wbstart, wbend); if (appName.indexOf("Opera") == 0) { this.name = 'Opera' sep = browserstring.indexOf(';'); this.platform = browserstring.substring(0, sep); langstart = (userAgent.indexOf('[') + 1); langend = userAgent.indexOf(']'); this.language = lang[userAgent.substring(langstart, langend)]; verstart = (userAgent.indexOf('/') + 1); verend = (userAgent.indexOf('(')-1); this.version = userAgent.substring(verstart, verend); this.isOpera = true; } if (parseInt(appVersion) >= 4 && appName.indexOf("Opera") != 0) { if (appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) { this.name = 'Netscape'; if (userAgent.indexOf("Netscape6") > 0) { ns6start = (userAgent.indexOf("Netscape6") + 10); ns6end = userAgent.length; this.version = userAgent.substring(ns6start,ns6end); stringarray = browserstring.split("; "); this.platform = stringarray[2]; this.language = lang[language.substring(0,2)]; this.isNav6 = true; } else { nsstring = appVersion; nsarray = nsstring.split(" "); this.version = nsarray[0]; stringarray = browserstring.split("; "); this.platform = stringarray[0]; this.language = lang[language]; this.isNav = true; } } else if (appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { this.name = 'Microsoft'; this.isIE = true; this.language = lang[userLanguage]; start = (appVersion.indexOf('(') + 1); end = appVersion.indexOf(')'); browserstring = appVersion.substring(start, end); stringarray = browserstring.split(";"); this.platform = stringarray[2]; ieversion = stringarray[1].split(" "); this.version = ieversion[2]; } } if (this.isNav6) this.cookies = cookieEnabled; else this.cookies = stdMsg; this.javaEnabled = javaEnabled(); } } browser = new getBrowserProperties(); getBrowserProperties.prototype.getBrowserProperties = getBrowserProperties; /** * Write a HTML paragraph with the requested browser properties */ function printBrowserProperties() { with (browser) { document.write('Hersteller: '+name+'
Version: '+version+'
Cookies aktiviert: '+ cookies+'
Java aktiviert: '+javaEnabled+'
Sprache: '+language+'
Platform: '+ platform); } } /** * Create an object with specified display informations * @info: int with : whole screen width * @info: int height : whole screen height * @info: String res : resolution * @info: int availableHeight : available screen height * @info: int availableWidth : available screen width * @info: int colorDepth : color depth */ function getScreenProperties() { with (screen) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.res = width+'x'+height; this.aHeight = availHeight; this.aWidth = availWidth; this.colorDepth = 0;//Math.pow(2,colorDepth); } } display = new getScreenProperties(); getScreenProperties.prototype.getScreenProperties = getScreenProperties; /** * Write a HTML paragraph with the requested screen properties */ function printScreenProperties() { with (display) { document.write('Auflösung: '+res+' Pixel
verfügbare Breite: '+aWidth+' Pixel
verfügbare Höhe: '+aHeight+' Pixel
Farbtiefe: '+ colorDepth+' Farben'); } } /** * Create an object with specified display informations * @info: String menubar : menubar visibility * @info: String locbar : locationbar visibility * @info: String persbar : personalbar visibility * @info: String toolbar : toolbar visibility * @info: int iWidth : inner width of the window * @info: int iHeight : inner height of the window * @info: int oWidth : outer width of the window * @info: int oHeight : outer width of the window * @info: int xOffset : window position from the left * @info: int yOffset : window position from the top * @info: String name : name of the window * @info: String status : text from the statusbar */ function getWindowProperties() { prop = new Object(); prop["true"] = 'aktiviert'; prop["false"] = 'deaktiviert'; prop["undefined"] = 'n/a'; // not available with (window) { if(browser.isNav || browser.isNav6) { this.menubar = prop[menubar]; // Netscape 4.0 this.locbar = prop[locationbar]; // Netscape 4.0 this.persbar = prop[personalbar]; // Netscape 4.0 this.toolbar = prop[toolbar]; // Netscape 4.0 this.iWidth = innerWidth; // Netscape 4.0 this.iHeight = innerHeight; // Netscape 4.0 this.oWidth = outerWidth; // Netscape 4.0 this.oHeight = outerHeight; // Netscape 4.0 this.xOffset = pageXOffset; // Netscape 4.0 this.yOffset = pageYOffset; // Netscape 4.0 } this.name = name; // Netscape 4.0 & IE 4.0 this.status = status; // Netscape 4.0 & IE 4.0 } } view = new getWindowProperties(); getWindowProperties.prototype.getWindowProperties = getWindowProperties; /** * Capture mouse events from the middle and right mouse button. * which = Netscape syntax: left mouse button = 1; middle mouse button = 2; right mouse button = 3 * @param: Event mouseevent : mouse event to react * @param: String text : text to display * @return : boolean */ function capture(mouseEvent,text) { if ((browser.isNav || browser.isNav6) && (mouseEvent.which == 3 || mouseEvent.which == 2)) return false; else if (browser.isIE && (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3)) { alert(text); return false; } return true; } /** * The following paragraph must be insert at the page where the mouse event will be * executed. * * document.onmousedown = capture; * if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); * window.onmousedown = capture; */ /** * Opens an URL in another frame * @param: String URL: file to load * @param: String frame = destination frame */ function viewInfo(URL,frame) { parent.frames[frame].location.href = URL; } /** * Open an URL in another window by using the requested window dimensions * @param: String URL = file to load * @param: String name = name of the window * @param: variant posFromLeft = window position from the left of the screen * @param: variant posFromTop = window position from the top of the screen * @param: variant width = width of the window * @param: variant height = height of the window * @param: int toolbar = window includes a toolbar * @param: int menubar = window includes a menubar * @param: int scrollbars = window includes a scrollbar * @param: int statusbar = window includes a statusbar * @param: int resizable = window can be resized * @param: int dependent = if the parent window was closed, this window will be closed automatically * NOTE: a) Netscape 6 doesn't interpret this attribute !!! * b) for Netscape 4.x only * @param: int hotkeys = hotkeys to navigate the window * NOTE: Netscape 4.x+ only !!! */ function openWindow(URL,name,posFromLeft,posFromTop,width,height,toolbar,menubar,scrollbars,statusbar,resizable,dependent,hotkeys) { if (URL!=''){ if (toolbar == 0 || toolbar == null || toolbar == 'no') toolbar = 'no'; else toolbar = 'yes'; if (menubar == 0 || menubar == null || menubar == 'no') menubar = 'no'; else menubar = 'yes'; if (scrollbars == 0 || scrollbars == null || scrollbars == 'no') scrollbars = 'no'; else scrollbars = 'yes'; if (statusbar == 0 || statusbar == null || statusbar == 'no') statusbar = 'no'; else statusbar = 'yes'; if (resizable == 0 || resizable == null || resizable == 'no') resizable = 'no'; else resizable = 'yes'; if (dependent == 0 || dependent == null || dependent == 'no') dependent = 'no'; else dependent = 'yes'; if (hotkeys == 0 || hotkeys == null || hotkeys == 'no') hotkeys = 'no'; else hotkeys = 'yes'; var args = "left="+posFromLeft+",top="+posFromTop+",width="+width+",height="+height; args = args + ",toolbar="+toolbar+",menubar="+menubar+",scrollbars="+scrollbars+",status="+statusbar args = args +",screenX=1,screenY=1,resizable="+resizable+",dependent="+dependent+",hotkeys="+hotkeys; var win = window.open(URL,name,args); win.focus(); } } /** * Initialize ticker */ var text; function initializeTicker() { window.status = text; text = text.substring(1,text.length) + text.substring(0,1); } /** * Start a ticker in the status bar of the browser window * @param: mytext : text to show in the status bar * @param: dealy : text delay */ function startTicker(mytext,delay) { text = mytext; window.setInterval("initializeTicker()",delay); } /** * Maximize the browser window */ function maximizeWindow() { with (window) { resizeTo(display.height,display.width); moveTo(0,0); } } /** * Move the browser window by using relative coordinates * @param: int dx : relative x-value; * @param: int dy : relative y-value; */ function moveWindow(dx,dy) { window.moveBy(parseInt(dx),parseInt(dy)); } /** * Resize and move the browser-window to an absolute position * @param: int posFromLeft: new window position from the left of the screen * @param: int posFromTop : new window position from the top of the screen * @param: int width : width to resize to * @param: int height : height to resize to */ function resizeWindow(posFromLeft,posFromTop,width,height) { with (window) { resizeTo(parseInt(width),parseInt(height)); moveTo(parseInt(posFromLeft),parseInt(posFromTop)); } } /** * Return the current date * @return: String : current date */ function requestDate() { var weekday = new Array('Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag') var months = new Array('Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'); // Create date-object to activate access var currentDate = new Date(); day = weekday[currentDate.getDay()]; date = currentDate.getDate(); month = months[currentDate.getMonth()]; year = currentDate.getYear(); // Netscape still returns the number of the year relativ to 1900 if (browser.isNav || browser.isNav6) year += 1900; newDate = day+', '+date+'. '+month+' '+year; return newDate; } /** * Returns the current time * @return: String : current time */ function requestTime() { function normalize(timeObj) { if (parseInt(timeObj) < 10) return(timeObj = '0'+ timeObj); else return (timeObj); } // Create date-object to activate access var time = new Date(); hours = time.getHours(); minutes = normalize(time.getMinutes()); seconds = normalize(time.getSeconds()); newTime = hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds; return newTime; } /** * Deletes all input fields * @param: formName : name of the formular */ function delAllInputFields() { for(var i=0; document.forms[i]; i++) { for(var j=0; document.forms[i].elements[j]; j++) { if (document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'text') { document.forms[i].elements[j].value = ""; } } } } /** * Sets all checkboxes * @param: value : 'on' -> checked, others -> unchecked */ function setAllCheckboxes(value) { for(var i=0; document.forms[i]; i++) { for(var j=0; document.forms[i].elements[j]; j++) { if (document.forms[i].elements[j].type == 'checkbox') { if (value == 'on'){ document.forms[i].elements[j].checked = true; } else{ document.forms[i].elements[j].checked = false; } } } } } /** * Get's the selected item from a listbox */ function getFromListbox() { } /** * Get's the filename without extension */ function getFilename(filename) { file = filename.split("/"); if(file[file.length-1].substring(2,3) == "\\") { file = filename.split("\\"); } return(file[file.length-1]); } /** * Get's the file extension */ function getFileExtension(filename) { array = filename.split("."); return(array[array.length-1]); } /** * Zoom-in position or request object informations */ var zoomInPos = false; sleepingMsg = ''; requestMsg = ''; function ResizeInfoZoom() { window.defaultStatus = sleepingMsg; } if (browser.isNav) { window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE); } /** * Set the window text * @param: String sleep : window text if there's no click-event * @param: String busy : window text if there's an onclick-event * */ function setWindowText(sleep,busy) { sleepingMsg = sleep; requestMsg = busy; window.defaultStatus = sleepingMsg; } function coords(e) { if (browser.isNav) { myposx = e.pageX - document.map.x; myposy = e.pageY - document.map.y; } if (browser.isNav6) { myposx = e.clientX - document.map.x; myposy = e.clientY - document.map.y; } if (browser.isIE) { myposx = window.event.offsetX; myposy = window.event.offsetY; } zoomin(myposx,myposy); } function zoomin(x,y) { if (x >=0 && x<=document.map.width && y >=0 && y<=document.map.height){ document.forms[0].mapClickPosX.value = x; document.forms[0].mapClickPosY.value = y; document.forms[0].submit(); return true; } }